Healing H.E.R Introduction

“Women who invest in Healing H.E.R will build self-esteem, get help for goal-setting, and gain immediate tools to enhance their lives at every level.”

-Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC

Healing H.E.R. is a course open to female participants ages 18 and up.

  • •      Learn your capacity, condition, and courage (Gal 6)

    •      Build confidence

    •      Learn new coping skills

    •      Assess beliefs and critique belief systems

    •      Align your life with principles from the Word of God

    •      Strengthen decision-making skills

    •      Learn autonomy (self-accountability and responsibility)

    •      Discover your triggers

    •      Identify healthy relationships

    •      Learn communication skills and how to maintain connectedness in relationships.

  • •      Demonstrated improvement in relationships

    •      Environment created and conducive to speak about sensitive topics.

    •      Provide and disuse Bible-based and evidence based information

    •      Insight on how to be celebrated and celebrate others

    •      Visualize your relationships (past, present and future)

    •      Examine motive and motivations in relationships

    •      Discover new ways for communication and self-intimacy.

  • The most important quality that women need in order to heal successfully is the ability to rebuild her life. They are ready to build a relationship with themselves, and they’re prepared to restore a relationship with those who have either harmed them in some way, or they are ready to forgive any wrong doings. They have determined that this is the time in the season for them to heal. They have courage, capacity the capability to recover. She is resilient, reliable, and realistic with her expectations. She is deliberately taking steps toward what is intentional! She knows her self-worth, and she’s ready to stop avoiding the things. She assesses the damage in her life, She wants to work towards healing and has a deep love for herself. She is ready to let go of what doesn't change. She investigates and is prepared to intervene. She acknowledges that guilt and shame and learns not to sabotage success. They know how to terminate relationships that are unhealthy. They know how to get the help that they need to reach their goals. They know how to intervene, and they’re implementing a new principle in their life. I’m terminating anything and everything in every situation that does not line up with your core values and walking out those of the four characteristics that must see an order for a woman to you.

Healing H.E.R: Discover the Path to Healing, Empowerment & Restoration

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